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Tue, 27 Feb 2007
Times when you wish etch were stable - 11:21
At this point I could either try testing/etch or install from a dapper cd I had sitting in the office. As it would save burning an etch/testing cd (which we may need rc2 for a clean install anyway?) I ended up installing dapper. At least I can still use the debian packages if need be, however I am definitely looking forward to etch being stable so it will work on more recent hardware for a while. I guess the argument could be made I should have simply used etch, and if I am going to complain at all I should get off my arse and do work on debian to help get it out the door. Ahh well, machine is up and running now and I can get the work I need done on it. Sun, 25 Feb 2007
AROC Sprint in Canberra - 21:45
Anyway Bruce and Ron raced with me, I made some Nav errors and we lost a bit of time, but who cares we had a great time and I learnt a few lessons to make note of for next time. Bring on the 12 hour at the end of March. Oh and the photos from the race are all on my AROC Adventure Race - Canberra, 2007-02-24 photos page. Fri, 23 Feb 2007
The Polaris Challenge encouraging mental scars - 23:00
The Rocky Horror Picture show is the theme of the Polaris Challenge this year. I see soooo much potential to inflict even more mental scarring on people than I have in past years. Ahh this theme could be oh so wrong. Fri, 16 Feb 2007
Who says junk mail is all bad? - 19:53
I saw mention of the fact that it had debuted in India already, however apart from knowing the phone was based on what Motorola called the SCPL (Scalpel) platform and that it should come out sometime in Australia I had no idea when it would be released and searching the web for "motorola scpl" in Australia had no results really. It should be a really thin (9mm thick) light phone with basics and no fancy useless crap. Upon my arrival home today I grabbed some junk mail from the letter box and was leafing through it when I happened to notice a phone for sale called the "Motorola F3" which was obviously a SCPL phone. Woohoo, I may finally be able to get one, now if only I can find someone in Canberra who sells them rather them so I can use with my existing plan (Optus locked is not my idea of buying a new phone which appears to be what the stores an ebay Australia that I have found via google have available). Mon, 12 Feb 2007
Triple Triathlon 2006, 32 Flavours report finally online. - 16:15
So if anyone wants to know, this is the 2006 Triple Triathlon for the 32 Flavours team. Fun was had, thanks again to Shanyn and Bruce for racing with me. Mon, 05 Feb 2007
Working Week Series 2007 - Lithgow - Round 1 - 16:45
We camped at the course and met up with a few other friends, some form Canberra, some from Sydney when we got there on Saturday arvo. Then come Sunday we rode around for 8 hours and drove home. Much fun was had. I wrote a few words to put with a few photos an have them up on a Working Week Series - Lithgow Round 1 page. Thu, 01 Feb 2007
Molly Ivins, Shrub, Letting the Dogs Out, etc. - 14:29
The wikipedia article and the metafilter post both link to a short tribute to Molly Ivins by her editor for the last few years. I guess all I can hope is her messages of getting involved in government (especially to the youth) and not simply sitting by the sidelines will influence people even posthumously by the next US election. |