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Sun, 30 Aug 2009
Kate and Ruth at the Folkus - 23:29

Kate and Ruth(fullsize)
On Friday night after getting home from another day doing
World Champs work at Mt
Stromlo I had the rather enjoyable opportunity to see
Kate and Ruth playing live at
The Folkus Room. They do not often
play in Canberra outside the folk festival and they really are a wonderful
pair of performers. My housemate Matt who is also a fan of their work came
along with me and we got to enjoy a spectacular evening of music.
Early on they played Cindy Cindy which was wonderful. Kate played a cover of
the Joni Mitchell song A Case of You which was really amazing, what an
evening. I thought it was a little disappointing how few people were there as
they are popular in Canberra. Though an amusing aspect of this is that most of
the people in the audience were close friends of theirs and both there mothers
were (eventually) at the gig and they had played in groups with some of the
audience members.
I have been taking photos while working out at Stromlo on the worlds, however
have not had much time in front of a computer recently so have not had time to
upload them and comment on them. It will happen at some point soon.
Sun, 23 Aug 2009
Another ouch, Out at the worlds site today and Coraline is awesome - 23:00
On my way out to Stromlo this morning on the CX bike I unfortunately had more
data provided to back up my theory that my CX bike is cursed. Riding into the
bike path tunnel near Scrivner Dam I thought to myself on the wet bike path,
hmm I may be going a bit fast here, as I finished the thought my front wheel
slipped and I went sliding along the bitumen on my right hip. This is of
course the same hip
I went sliding
on a month ago.
Right now I am seriously annoyed as it makes walking around and a lot of
movements painful, I was almost back to being able to sleep on my right side,
now I wont for a while. I once more will be unable to run for a few weeks, and
can not put full power into the pedals for another few weeks now too. I also
have this theory that the cyclocross bike is cursed. This is the only bike I
have ever owned on which I have had crashes serious enough to stop me riding or
doing other things.
Sure I have had other crashes, such as those
involving the breaking of
frames however I was still able to go out and do long hard riders or other
stuff the next day without much pain. So far on the CX bike I have crashed
badly 4 times, each time with the front wheel losing traction and ending up
pretty badly hurt. Stitches at the hospital required from one such incident
in November 2007, then last year I came off and broke my collar bone when the
front wheel lost traction. The recent crash in the CX race meant a month of no
running, missing some events and some serious pain. Now a repeat (though it
does not feel quite so severe) today. I guess it is possible that something
about my position on the bike combined with the geometry and handling of it
simply does not suit my riding style and thus I just lose the front wheel
badly form time to time. Or I could be blaming the tool.
I made it out to Stromlo of course and we got to work, getting closer to
having all the pipes up to hold the bunting around the XC course. We put in
some new rocks in a line on one section to make A and B lines, later while
working near hammer head the Australian team came past. I took some photos of
them practising sections (not posting online until I get faster Internet at
home again). So we asked them to check out the new section later on and tell
us if it worked and if the B line needed to be slowed or the A line
changed. In the end we went down and fixed both up to the extent it should
work well while the practised in front of us as we changed it around to ensure
it was correct. As Dave said it was kind of fun to have the elites there as we
built this to see how it worked at pace.
Upon getting home I showered and headed out to see a movie, Coraline in
3d. This (being a Neil Gaiman based movie) was something I had been looking
forward to for a long while, everyone had said seeing it in 3d was worth it
too. What can I say, it did not disappoint, scary and cool and fantastic and
fun and incredible and sweet and fun and oh so worth seeing. The 3d was a cool
experience too.
Fri, 21 Aug 2009
Where many of my friends will be next week - 12:36
So a lot of my friends I regularly ride bikes with will be over in East Timor
next week for the inaugural Tour de
Timor, this looks like an excellent event in the making and I would love
to be there. The timing however was simply too close to the
Mountain Bike World
Championships which start on September 1st here in Canberra at Stromlo,
there is a lot of work to be done out there next week and I am having the
next two weeks off work to work out there with the other CORC people who have
been putting in so much time and effort to bring this event to Canberra.
Still I wish Libby, Chris, Gary, Bleeksie, Cameron, and the rest of them an
excellent time over there and I look forward to hearing how much fun it was
when they return from their adventure.
The final product of yesterday's baking - 12:24

Vegan Tiramisu cupcakes, finished product(fullsize)
The photo on the left is of the 24 finished tiramisu cupcakes mentioned
yesterday. They were a hit. Yummm.
Thu, 20 Aug 2009
Still not allowed to give blood - 17:35
So I have been hearing rumours from friends recently that the rule that means
I am not allowed to give blood has recently been relaxed. Not due to my
diabetes, reading the
FAQ on
the donate blood site mentions that insulin controlled diabetics should
speak with them, however hints they probably will be able to.
The reason I (and also my Sister and Mother) are not allowed to give blood is
that we lived in England for all of 1993, which is between the 1980 to 1996
period they rule out due to the lack of a vCJD test.
here). Which it appears is definitely still a restriction. Unfortunate
Ahh cupcakes - 12:26

Vegan Golden Cupcakes pre Tiramisu (fullsize)
Will anyone ever tire of a cupcake? I doubt it. Here are 24 fresh (baked this
morning after I got home from swimming before going to work) vegan golden
cupcakes (from the
book), this is the plain cupcake recipe, however tonight I will be making them
into vegan
Tiramisu cupcakes. Last time they were spectacular so I expect similar
results this time, and I was able to get the dark chocolate coated coffee
beans at the ANU Food Co-Op yesterday too so they may even be better.
This is of course pre preparation with the Kahlua at the ready for when I get
home to do the vegan vanilla cream cheese icing and Kahlua/coffee mix. I am
going over to a friend's birthday dinner tonight and offered to bring a vegan
friendly dessert.
Mon, 17 Aug 2009
dc++ or new digital camera - 14:43

New Panasonic DMC-FT1 (fullsize)

Old Panasonic DMC-LZ5 (fullsize)
So I bought myself a 6MP, 6x optical zoom,
dmc-lz5 in January 2007. It has been a good camera and has worked well for
2.5 years now. I guess one thing I found a little bit jarring is it seemed to
have more sensor induced noise (it looked like a painting up close) in many
photos. However on the whole I liked it.
When I have it with me in an event I tend to carry it in my jersey pocket, in a
padded bag inside a dry bag. This makes the camera quite bulky (and heavier),
it also makes it a lot harder to whip it out for a photo (have to undo the
bags, get it out, put it back etc). At geoquest this year one of my team mates
had a Panasonic DMC-FT1 (called the TS1 in US and possibly Europe) which is
waterproof to 3 metres and shock proof to 1.5 metre drop. He was swimming with
it in his pocket and getting it out to take shots in the ocean and simply kept
it there where it could easily get banged up.
One of my housemates already had an Olympus camera she uses in races that is
similar (waterproof and shock proof), this Panasonic one I was looking at came
out this year and has some nice features, as I am still somewhat partial to
Panasonic cameras (Crash's
influence) I decided this is the one I wanted. 4.8 optical zoom, 12 MP, AVCHD
(1080p) video recording, no moving parts externally. So I ordered it last
Wednesday night and it came on Friday morning.
When water used to get into the drybag/camera bag while racing the camera
would fog up and be useless for taking photos, this camera I can now keep in a
pocket or neoprene pouch and let it get wet and it will still work fine. Also
My test photos so far do not have the painted looking noise as the LZ5 did and
the photos appear crisper. I like it, I also think Jane may like the purchase
as I will give her the old camera as I no longer need it.
Of the photos on the left, the photo of the new camera was taken with the LZ5
and the photo of the LZ5 was taken with the new camera. A few other
photos taken this
weekend (3 paddling on Saturday afternoon and one at the Gravity XC race
at Stromlo yesterday also turned out well). The new camera is effectively the
same size as the old one, however as I do not need the camera bag or dry bag
it will be more compact and easier to deal with.
Wed, 12 Aug 2009
Dessert! - 15:37

Fresh Warm Chai Latte Cupcakes (fullsize)
Last night D, G and I went over to M and A's place for dinner. A asked me to
do dessert. Before that request I had been considering making
Sausage Rolls, with the Dessert request I decided on the rather wonderful
Latte Cupcakes from The Post Punk
Kitchen. Pictured to the left are 22 cupcakes fresh from the oven last
night. Everyone liked them so only one or two remain now. Yum.
Fri, 07 Aug 2009
Tracking down disk accesses - 14:02
In the last few days since a recent reboot (I normally simply put my laptop to
sleep) of my laptop I have noticed a lot of disk access noise. One obvious one
was approximately every 5 seconds I heard an access. Others were likely to be
occurring also.
I started looking around to see how to track down the problem. I have used
iostat in the past to give me some details about activity happening. However
the problem with that is it does not tell you which process is doing
things. Running top also is not any good as it does not identify io and it
also does not show cumulative use/hits as iostat and similar tools do.
There is a python program called iotop I have not tried yet, also there are
files in /proc now days you can laboriously work your way through to track
down some of this information. However while looking around and reading some
of the man pages I discovered the existence of pidstat. This program is
fantastic. It can display accumulated disk,vm,cpu,thread information on a per
process basis. This is a program I have wished I had for years.
So I ran pidstat -d 5 and watched to see what was writing to the disk so
often. First I noticed the predictable kjournald. Rather than messing around
trying to change commit interval for this I found there is a laptop-mode-tools
package I should have had installed on my laptop. I have now installed it and
enabled it to operate even when AC power is plugged in and now kjournald seems
to be able to go for minutes at a time without needing to write to disk.
Next I noticed xulrunner-stub was writing often and causing the disk to spin
up now it was spun down due to laptop_mode. This is firefox (or iceweasel in
the debian case). I found
suggesting firefox 3.0.1 onward had an option to decrease the save/fsync
regularity and that 3.5 and up should be even better. I installed 3.5.1 from
debian experimental and found another
with 28 good firefox tips, one of which actually told me which
about:config option to change to decrease the save/sync interval.
So the disk is not always spinning up or constantly accessing now, though
there still appear to be a few culprits I could track down more information on
in the pidstat output. Also I may want to play around with more proc settings
such as /proc/sys/vm/dirty_expire_centisecs which can change how often pdflush
sends stuff to disk and there are other suggestions
around which
if I think about may help too. Update: I also have since first writing this
found a good Linux Journal
article on what laptop mode does.
One of the reasons I am so excited about pidstat is it helps with my work a
lot, if there is a problem with a mail server, or student login server or any
number of other machines. Getting a read out of this information by process
accumulated over time is really useful to work out what is causing issues and
thus work on controlling and preventing problems.
Thu, 06 Aug 2009
Some standard sort of news from tests - 22:19
I had to have some blood tests done on Monday morning to have results ready
for an Endocronology appointment today. I was interested to see how my iron
levels and B12 levels were also. My cholesterol is at 3.1 (HDL 1.0, LDL 1.7
Trigs 0.93) so below the normal range of 3.5-5.5. HbA1C was a bit higher than
last year but still in adequate control region (as it has been for two years
now). Good to see my iron and B12 levels are healthy and not showing a current
I was a little worried about my iron levels a few months ago, I have not been
eating as much green leafy stuff with meals as I probably should and I felt a
bit flat, I started having iron tablets, though not with tests at the time so
not a good control, however they have B12 in them also I may as well keep
having them regularly. With over 10 hours of fairly intensive exercise every
week I tend to think I should be careful to have lots of iron and protein
from dietary sources I choose to use.
Anyway I thought I would put this data on here, last time I could not find it
the printouts I had again and wanted to know some of the numbers.
Tue, 04 Aug 2009
Internet down... due to phone company going bust - 22:27
Well that is kind of unusual. I was out at a function tonight, upon my return
home a housemate mentions the Internet connection is down. I look into it and
find the ADSL link is acting as if there is no phone line there. Then my
housemates happen to mention that the land line has been unable to make
outgoing calls for the past few days.
I try to make a call and hear a message from Telstra talking about contacting
them, strange as the landline is not through Telstra. I hope online with the
wireless broadband built into my laptop and have a look. The phone company the
land line was with has gone into voluntary administration, Telstra took
control of all the landlines and other things and has now disconnected them
I quite like the phone number for this landline, very easy to remember
(something like 6363 8222, repetitive and not hard to grasp) so it would be
nice to keep it if we can. However it would also be nice to be able to switch
to a service such as Internode naked adsl and use a phone through
that. However Internode do not yet do number porting from pstn from what I can
find out. I wonder if a potential option would be to port the number to one
of the VoIP providers in Australia that do do number porting and then use
Internode naked to that.
Anyway I will get to have a bunch of time wasted tomorrow trying to sort this
out and I am almost sure I will have to deal with Telstra somewhere in there,
I wonder if I can book in for a dentist appointment as that would be a whole
lot more fun.
Sat, 01 Aug 2009
N=N+2 more steel in the stable - 17:28

New Single Speed mtb(fullsize)

New Road Bike(fullsize)
In April, not too long after my house mate had gotten herself a lovely new
light road bike I got to thinking about my road bike. For the previous year
and a half since my Lemond developed another crack in the frame I had been
riding the Cyclocross bike as my road bike. However Cyclocross bikes with road
tyres on are sort of neutered not being used for their true purpose (being
able to go anywhere, off road or on fast) in my opinion. So thinking how I
wanted to run CX tyres on it more and use it off road more I decided to buy a
new road bike.
I admit I was tempted by the ultra light weight carbon wonder bikes such as
the full Ultegra Jamis Xenith that had recently appeared in the garage or
maybe a Scott CR1. However I have a well known tendency to break bikes, and I
am a self confessed fan of steel bikes. Mal happened to offer me a good deal
on a 2008 (the orange coloured one, not the uglier 2009 yellow one) Kona Kapu
steel road bike with full Ultegra. This is a lovely frame, with polished steel
lugs and brazing rather than TIG welding to construct it. As they say (in the
clever marketing) on the
website "A beautiful, old
school lugged frame that harks (yep... used the word "hark") back to when
frames were meticulously crafted in only small batches by guys named
And at 9.1 KG it really is not much heavier than a similarly specced carbon
wonder bike (maybe 1 KG heavier, all of which is in the frame and steel
fork). I am very happy with this new bike and it even continues a trend of
orange gear and clothing I was going through about 4 or 5 years ago. I may
soon put open pro wheels on this bike and put these open sport wheels on the
CX bike, I changed the bar tape to orange as seen to the left and put my
preferred saddle and more puncture resistant tyres on it. Lovely bike to ride
I must say and no carbon in site.
The other new bike, purchased about 3 weeks ago is my self proclaimed fad
bike. When I first built up my old single speed it was just from parts I had
sitting around in the shed really. I thought at the time I probably would not
like single speeding and would not long after turn it into a geared bike. I
was wrong and discovered I really like riding single speeds. One of the things
I really missed on my single speed is the disc brakes I was used to riding on
other mountain bikes. Then recently when I began to notice the chain tension
did not stay as tight as I liked due to the wheel slipping forward in the
quick release tightened back wheel I was getting a little annoyed with my SS.
I could have simply put a bolt on axle on and kept riding it without that
problem, instead I went and bought a new bike. This is my fad bike as I can
claim it has five fads in one bike. First I thought I would try out 29 inch
wheels, just for something different, then it is a single speed, fully rigid
with Mary bars and disc brakes (the JohnJohn fad). What with this and the
cyclocross bike you could argue many of my bike purchases in the last two
years have been about making mountain biking harder for myself. However this
is a fun bike to ride, the 29 inch wheels are not better or anything, simply
different, and different can be exciting anyway. Long term I may become soft
and buy suspension for it, also I am undecided on the benefit of the Mary
bars, I may put normal bars with bar ends on it eventually also. Chain tension
is kept on this with an eccentric BB which allows the discs to be mounted
normally with no complexity.