Steven Hanley
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Tue, 01 Nov 2005
500 Mile Email Limit - 22:19
This is cool, freaky but cool. This story of a sysadmin trying to find out the
cause of a email fault reported by the statistics department claiming email
would not deliver to locations much more than
500 miles away.
Reading it, by the end it makes perfect sense, but half way through I was
going through the same thoughts he must have been, wtf is happening sort of
Tuesday afternoon milk carton blogging - 00:00

Got Goat's Milk?
As has been pointed out, a milk carton may contain other types of milk, Cows
are not the only source of contents for these venerable containers. To the
left is a milk carton containing Goat's Milk from the company
Meyenberg (large producer of Goat's
Milk in the US). It can be argued that
milk is healthier for you or at least it
may be a better baby food
than Cow milk.
Though I would suggest the biggest advantage me be that we will never see
another milk carton desecrated with big black splotches, through Goat's have
been known to have black splotches, the image of a Goat in the public mind
does not, thus opening up milk carton designs to whole new splotch free
Showing you why we need science. - 00:00
We really do need science, otherwise no one would be able to make a proper
appraisal of the
utility of a chocolate teapot (seen last week on ploa or similar), this
really is lots of fun, reminds me of the
Twinkies Project I had a link to
on my links page back
around 1996. (yes I know many of them are dead links,really I could care
Ooohh look a coincidence, maybe - 00:00
I just happened to glance at my posts per month thing in the left hand column
here and look at what I saw. September 2004, 27 posts. September 2005, 27
posts. October 2004, 15 Posts. October 2005, 15 posts. Almost kinda spooky
maybe sorta.
Wild Horse Ridge - 00:00
So a bunch of us drove down to Talbingo on Saturday morning to ride Wild Horse
Ridge. Heaps of fun was had, the weather held off for the duration of the
ride. We camped over night there intending to ride the next day if the weather
continued behaving. It rained all night and on in to Sunday so we packed up
and drove home. However we had a fantastic time on Saturday riding up to
Budong falls and the top of Wild Horse Ridge and subsequently riding down Wild
Horse Ridge. We even saw Wild Horses up near the top.
Anyway myself,
Dave McCook and
Andrew Cassie all took photos, I am
hosting Dave's and mine. The people present on the ride were Michael "Crash"
Carden, David McCook, David "DAS" Sutton, Andrew "Madge" Cassie (on a single
speed), Craig "Darren? " Armour, Tony (mate of Jaymz's from Townsville),
James "Jaymz" Davies, and myself Steven "Bender" Hanley.