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Thu, 16 Mar 2006
More of them hill repeat things - 19:18
I just got back from a post work ride (though I am back in the office doing
some work, ahh well). Sue and I (there was supposed to be one other person
however they mysteriously piked) went and did two Stromlo repeats and then a
climb of Black Mountain upon our return to this area. We had intended to go
around Cotter/Uriarra however the wind is blowing heavily in Canberra right
now and we did not think the loop would be pleasant in this wind. We also
originally planned to do two Black Mountain reps upon returning however it is
getting darker and I felt the need to get back to the office so I talked Sue
out of the second Black Mountain.
I was somewhat surprised how well I climbed today, the first Stromlo climb (in
the howling wind) felt slow and I did not see my speed sit much above 20
anywhere on the climb however I found when I got the top I had done a
12:10. Next climb I was setting a reasonable (though not full on) pace and
then my phone rang with Bob asking something about a computer at work, so I
chatted with him briefly. At half way they had put the boom gates down so I
had to pull up almost to a stop and go around it on the gravel (on the descent
the boom can be ridden around easily as it is shorter, however it goes all the
way across on the left hand side of the road).
After those two things slowing me down I though, ahh what the heck I may as
well put some effort in and attempt to regain time so I put the bike up a gear
and started spinning along up the climb at 24 and 25 constantly for the rest
of the way. Surprisingly when I got to the top I had done the climb in
11:20. We rode back toward town with Black Mountain looming in front of us,
the ride down Cotter Road was brilliant with the strong tail wind we could do
60KMh effortlessly, feeling like pro cyclists for a few minutes. Then turning
up Black Mountain I took the bottom steeper section slower at around 11Kmh the
whole way, past the reservoir I decided to simply keep it steady siting around
12KMh. I seemed to be on track for a comfortable 13 minute climb. I guess I
stopped paying attention at the flat bit and somehow at the top had sped up
enough to do a 12 minute climb. Where the hell did that come from? Oh well I
guess it is nice to be pleasantly surprised by ones form from time to time.
Singlespeed frame modifications done - 15:09

Long Horizontal Dropouts and Disc tabs (Full Size)
The rather nice
Diamond Back
Ascent Steel Hard Tail frame I got back in January would have been great
as a touring bike or plan hard tail (so long as I was happy to use V Brakes)
however as I intend to use it as a single speed I needed to get slightly
longer dropouts on the frame so as to avoid the need for a chain tensioning
Before I left for my recent New Zealand trip I dropped the frame off for Wayne
Kotzur to do some modifications. I have previously been most impressed and
happy with the work Wayne has
done on some of my other frames (he also repaired the broken Apollo Road
bike frame, I simply have not photographed the fix).
On the new single speed frame I asked Wayne to add longer horizontal drop
outs, and just in case I ever choose to use the bike as a normal mountain
bike, or if for some reason I want to try it on the single speed, I asked him
to add disc tabs (and a support brace) to the rear triangle so I can use discs
if I ever choose to.
It comes as no surprise that Wayne did some lovely work with the
modifications, as can be seen in the photo the the left. He even did a great
job with the colour matching of the paint with midnight blue paint over the
undercoat he applied then gold paint speckled on over that to appear similar
to the rest of the frame. Once again the cost was remarkably low, AUD $143 for
all of it including labour.
Economics of Anti Super Sizing - 12:17
I noticed this a few weeks ago, however I am still attempting to get my head
around it. At the local supermarket they sell 600 ml bottles of pepsi max and
1.25 litre bottles of pepsi max. Both bottles are chilled (in the same fridge
unit), the 600 ml bottles cost AUD $2.60, the 1.25 litre bottles cost AUD
Did the people who set these prices have marketing lessons from the Underpants
Gnomes or something? I do not understand.