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Tue, 30 Aug 2005
Tuesday afternoon milk carton blogging - 16:25

Baked goods or milk cartons in disguise? (full size)
I was wandering through a supermarket this morning and came across this milk
carton among baked goods. I suspected initially that this was simply more
evidence of how poor the camouflage abilities of your average milk carton
really are. Just like the
OAK milk carton
attempting to hide among gums and wattles, here was a milk carton
attempting to hide amongst croissant's and pan au chocolat.
However this got me wondering, what if I was wrong, what if in fact the
camouflage on the milk cartons were brilliant, but it takes a few seconds for
them to adjust, and I caught this carton in the location before it was able to
camouflage itself. What if this cupboard were full of milk cartons cleverly
disguised as baked goods. Does this call for a test, should I attempt to eat
all the baked goods here and see if that will give me a hint as to their real
status as a type of croissant or a milk storage container?
Mango flavour hash browns. - 10:27
I have had a hankering for hash browns for about a week an a half, the shop
across the road from my house did not have any in stock. Finally last night I
went shopping at a large supermarket to stock up on stuff and they had hash
browns in the deli. Yay. Thus dinner last night was mushrooms, scrambled eggs,
hash browns and toast, yes breakfast is in fact the new dinner, who needs any
of this old fashioned dinner dinner? Of course in the interests of ensuring my
hash brown cravings do not go unanswered for as long I bought few more than I
ate last night, now I just need a Tardis style freezer I guess.
Speaking of mango flavour (no not the hash browns) I was pleasantly surprised
to find one of the bells fruit bar flavours is mango, why I had not noticed
this before is beyond me, however eating an orange coloured bar last night I
thought, this does not taste much like apricot, then I looked on the packet
and found it said mango. Mmmmmmm mangos (well processed barry stuff that has
mango flavour in it, but hey). Maybe I should cook the mango chicken on cous
cous dish I have had ingredients for sitting around the kitchen for a few
weeks, well mango chicken and hash browns on cous cous of course...